2.8.4 (November 29 2010)

New Features

ENGINE-200 New Changeset Type: “Full”

Support for a new changeset type that will load a changeset into an engine using a modified Snapshot method. When the changeset has been loaded, any items that were indexed before the changeset was processed will be removed from the engine. With a Snapshot, all items are deleted first, then replaced with the contents of the changeset file that is being imported.

ENGINE-94 Support for Kilometers in Geoloc Queries

A new dimension attribute and top-level query field can be used to specify that the units for location searches are in kilometers. The default is miles.


ENGINE-111 Explain criterion keywords are now case-insensitive

For example, to return drill down explanations in a query, you can use “drilldown” or “drillDown”.

ENGINE-236 Improved internals

This version includes various internal improvements to promote greater scalability and responsiveness.

ENGINE-310 Improved Highlighting

The highlighting feature released in 2.8.3 has been enhnaced to return just the highlighted properties in a new response field called “highlighting”. To enable this feature, a new value for the highlighting request field

Bug Fixes

ENGINE-308 Index Reader Close Error

Corrects an issue that caused a recoverable indexing error for text dimensions.